Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Demand Sick Days

I feel terrible.

I had a fever half the night. My throat hurts and I am congested.

My ears hurt too.

My body aches.

If I had a regular 9 to 5 job I would totally call in sick today.

Instead I am taking kids to school, making breakfast and cleaning up messes.

I think wives should be allotted at LEAST 3 sick days a year from their husbands jobs. Spread the word.


The Booher's said...

I feel the same way! You need to live closer!

dani said...

sorry you are sick! I wish I was closer and I could come play with your kids so you could take a nap! Moms TOTALLY need sick days!

I think we are just going to dinner for my b-day...they are not as much fun when you get older :(. I miss the days when a new pair roller blades made my b-day!