Taylor is FINALLY potty trained. It only took THIS extravagant toy to make it happen. I blame it all on Michael-but at least it worked! Samantha loves it too as you can see.
We love Miley Cyrus around here- Ashley HAD to get a Miley wig with some of her birthday money. She is going to yet another Hannah Montana party on Saturday.
I know, I JUST put up pictures of Samantha, but these were to cute too pass up on this day. This is Samantha's new cheesy smile and some valentine loot
I need something GOOD to read!!! I'm talking easy reading, maybe romance, with lots and lots of pages. I am going to San Diego with Michael this Thurs for the weekend- kids are staying home with a babysitter! Michael will be in orthodontic conferences all day and I am going to relax- but I want to read something good! I've read a lot of so so books lately.
I've already read the Stephanie Meyers books and all the Harry Potters. Any suggestions for me! I need them quick so I can go out and get them!